Friday, May 11, 2012

The Critics

Obama Trumpets Killing of Bin Laden and Critics Pounce “By Wife of a Veteran”.  People always want to critize what President Obama does but reality if it was them they would do the same thing.  President Obama is not doing anything any different with his campaigning tactics than anyone else.  Yes September 11th is a very touchy and very sensitive event.  I’m like you “Wife of a Veteran” I don’t see anything wrong with it.  It really don’t matter what it is it people have it out for you than they will find any and everything to make up or talk about.  What Obama did was something that President Bush didn’t do and anyone else for that matter.  Everything that Obama has been working on for the pass three-four years has got to be hard because he is trying to undo what others have done and he can’t fix everything in his term and people don’t want to give him any credit for trying.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The Rising Interest Rates on Student Loans

There have been three speeches that President Obama has made to encourage Congress from doubling of student loans interest rates.  I listened to our President’s speech and it really feels good to know that he can relate to having student loans because all of us don’t have money to just pay for school.  Those that have the money to pay for school are very fortunate but, it is sad that the fortunate ones don’t understand what it is like to not have money to just pay for school.  Being low to middle class and having to pay more interest on our students is going to be really tight for some.  I know so many people that have a lot of student loan debit and over that time period to pay it back is going to be doubled that amount that would have been paid.  I really thank our President for addressing this increase in such detail.

This topic was picked because I know like me many of you have to get student loans.  It really hit home for me because to pay for school out of packet is very hard.  When I didn’t have any kids it was hard then and now being a full time mother, working, and part time student is even harder so, I’m very grateful to be able to get grants and loans to attend school.  Without financial aid I would not be able to attend school now.  I plan to call our local Congressman and tell them “Don’t double my rate!”

Friday, April 13, 2012

I would like to comment on the blogger, "Wife of a Veteran."  The post was written about "Sexual Violence in the Military," I agree that our government should be there to defend those who are being violated.  Not holding the Military personal accountable for there actions and just allowing them to go unpunished is very sad because,  these violates if given a chance will do it again.  To turn a blind eye or excuse this type of behavior is saying to me that it is okay to not respect the rights of our Military women.
Even in this day and age its crazy to say that it's a lot of closed minded men who just think of women as pieces of meat and that women don't desire to be respected. 

Friday, March 30, 2012

“Out of Jail and Into a Job”

We hear every day about the same old things with what is going on in our government, on the T.V., radios newpapers, computers, etc.  Now don’t get me wrong but, those things are important but, I would like to write about something that has always been puzzling to me.  I read a post in the New York Times called “Out of Jail, and Into a Job.”  Very interesting post and it grabbed my attention.
            I’m sure we all know of someone who has been incarcerated one time or another and maybe not even for something really big.  Once you enter into that system you are looked down on and judged for the rest of your life.  In the article that I read it’s about a program that is designed to help ex offenders from returning to prison by educating them and helping them with job training.  I feel this is important because as taxpayers we spend a lot to money building prison and keeping non violent offenders incarcerated.  Why?  We should be spending the money to educate them and getting them to work so they can to make a living.  The gentlemen that has this company is in New York but, he is also an ex offender.  To me that just go to show us all that just because you have been to prison that you can’t give back.  He knew the mind frame that prison gives you and sometimes how hard it is to readjust to being in society, again so, to give back to his community he helped ex offenders and at the same time help the city save money.  I feel if we don’t show ex offenders that we need them as well, than I feel it’s a higher chance that they will become repeat offenders.

Friday, February 24, 2012


“Why Do Innocent People Confess?”  This article was posted in The New York Times on Sunday February 26.  It makes you really have to ask yourself “why do people say they did something they didn’t do?”  According to this article by David K. Shipler, “I Confess!” Why Do People Admit to Things They Haven’t Done?  These sort of confessions happen very offend.  The writer of this article brings light to a very common issue that happens more than we think.  It’s scary to know that some officers may use an approach to get you to confess to something you may not even have knowledge of or anything about.  After being interrogated for hours and hours at a time will have a person worn out and wanting to confess to whatever just to go home so they think.  Some of the officers will feed you information and play mind games to get you to confess and giving up you life and you not even realize what you are doing.  I feel that the author intended audience is for everyone.  This is an article that I feel everyone should be aware of because you never know it could happen to you.  The cases of false confessions are in the news and on TV all the time so we know this is something that happens all the time.  I give the author his credibility in that sense but, I’m not to sure about how the author informs the audience of the tricks officers use to get there information from suspects.  He spoke of how the officers would use a fingerprint card with their fingerprints and tell the suspect that it’s his/her fingerprints that was taken from the car that they stole.  The suspect has no clue of what to think or believe.  The evidence and claims of these sort of things happening where brought up by the author in cases where DNA evidence was used.  According to the Innocence Project false confessions have been about 24% in about 289 convictions reversed using DNA.  We hear a lot in the media how people have sat in prison for years for convictions and crimes they didn’t commit.  I agree with the author that there are many innocent people sitting behind bars because of the way some law enforcement officers get there information or do their interrogations.  There has to be a better way!